Park Rules

1. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is to promote the convenience, health, safety, or welfare of the tenants of the community and protect and preserve community premises from abusive use. The Rules and Regulations establish the rights and duties of Tenants and the Landlord. The Rules and Regulations shall apply to all Tenants, occupants, and guests.

2. COMMUNITY STANDARDS. All manufactured homes accepted in the Community must be approved in structure, aesthetics, architectural quality, appearance, and design to ensure continuity and conformity. All manufactured homes, accessories, exterior structural improvements, construction, or changes in the lot must comply with health, safety, and construction codes and government standards and must be approved in writing prior to commencing installation.

3. IMPROVEMENTS. Upon termination of Tenant’s tenancy for any reason, Owner may, at its sole option, require Tenant to remove, at Tenant’s own expense, all landscaping and structures or other improvements permanently attached to or embedded in the ground. Tenant shall repair any damage to the Lot caused by the removal, including, but not limited to, the filling in and leveling of holes or depressions, and shall leave the Lot in a neat, uncluttered condition with the Park’s original engineered grade intact.

4. BUILDING STANDARDS. No home, carport, storage shed, patio, landscaping, fencing, exterior lighting or other improvement of any kind shall be placed on or made to a Lot in the Community unless prior to doing so Owner shall have given its written approval to do so. Prior to commencing installation of, or a change in, accessory equipment and structures, or installation of, or a change in, any appliance which is connected to the gas, electric, or water supply, Tenant shall submit, for Owner’s approval, a written plan describing in detail the accessory equipment, structure, or appliance which Tenant proposes to install or exchange. Tenant must discuss Tenant’s plans for accessory equipment and structures with the Park manager prior to preparing the written plan for Owner’s approval. Any accessory equipment, structure, or appliance installed or exchanged which does not conform to the Park’s residency documents shall be removed by Tenant within twenty (20) days of receipt of written notice. NO IMPROVEMENTS shall be approved by Owner which fail to conform to the following minimum standards.

A. STYLE. Each home shall have a pitched roof with asphalt or composite shingles; siding shall be hardboard horizontal lap siding or other residential house siding which shall be approved in writing by Owner.

B. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. Owner requires that awnings, porch, garage, steps, and skirting be added. The installation of all required appliances, accessory equipment and structures on Tenant’s manufactured home shall be completed within sixty (60) days of the date, Tenant signs the rental agreement, or first occupies the manufactured home, whichever, is earlier. Concrete driveway, covered parking area for one car, and a storage shed or locker is required to be installed at Tenant’s cost for Tenant’s manufactured home. The roof color, siding materials, and general architectural style for any shed, carport cover or patio cover shall match the color, materials and style of the manufactured home.

C. FOUNDATIONS. Each manufactured home shall be set on excavated foundations, be solidly blocked, fully skirted with properly braced siding material or compatible masonry, have all hitches and tongues removed or placed completely below grade and concealed from view. All tires, wheels and axles shall be removed from the manufactured homes, and the manufactured home shall be set as low as possible to finished grade.

D. DRAINAGE & UTILITIES. Each manufactured home shall have rainwater gutters and downspouts which are connected in accordance with Owner’s written instructions. All water lines, sewer lines and wiring shall be underground. Water and sewer connections shall be of rigid material and not exposed to view. Unburied water pipes or pipes exposed to freezing shall be protected from freezing by suitable systems acceptable to Owner and shall be maintained in good operating order at all times. Water lines shall be provided with a suitable check valve device to prevent water heaters from draining in the event that the water supply is interrupted. No storage tanks shall be allowed above the surface of the ground.

E. LOCATION. Each manufactured home shall be located within the Lot’s setback lines which shall be established by the individual lot plan prepared incident to and attached to the agreement for installation of the manufactured home on the Lot, but in any event the setback lines shall be not less than 5 feet from the side and rear of the Lot, and not less than 15 feet from the front of the Lot.

F. COMPLIANCE WITH CODE. At all times the manufactured home, all accessory structures and improvements and utility connections shall comply with applicable governmental laws, ordinances and regulations, including without limitation procuring alteration permits required by the Department of Labor and Industries if applicable.

G. ADDRESS. Every manufactured home shall display a lot number that is clearly visible from the street in front of the home.


A. Tenant shall maintain Tenant’s Lot and manufactured home, all landscaping, structures, improvements, and other things attached to, or placed thereon, in good condition and repair, in a neat, clean, attractive and well-kept fashion. All concrete, asphalt, and other surfaces shall be maintained in good condition and repair, kept clean, and maintained free of oil and all other sticky or oily substances. When Tenant is away, it is Tenant’s responsibility to have someone maintain Tenant’s manufactured home and Lot.

B. No objects may be stored under Tenant’s manufactured home. Unless specifically permitted by the Park’s residency documents, or approved by Owner in writing, nothing may be placed or stored outside of Tenant’s manufactured home or storage shed. This includes, but is not limited to, overstuffed furniture, appliances, ironing boards, brooms, mops, tools, gardening equipment, debris, refuse, litter, firewood, or any item which is unsightly in appearance. Patio furniture that complies with these rules and regulations, operable bicycles, and barbecue equipment, all of which are to be maintained in an attractive and neat condition, are the only items permitted outside of Tenant’s manufactured home or storage shed. Nothing visible from the street is to be hung outside Tenant’s manufactured home or shed to dry or air, or for any other purpose.

C. Only outdoor patio furniture approved by Owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, may be used on the patio, porch, yard, or other portions of the Lot.

D. All garbage must be placed in plastic trash bags and kept in garbage cans, out of sight, in Tenant’s storage shed, except on collection days. Clippings, etc., must be cut to fit into trash bags and cans. All garbage must be deposited at the street for pickup in a manner and appropriate day as designated by Owner. Large items, such as discarded furniture, or garbage exceeding the capacity of Tenant’s trash container, must be disposed of by Tenant. Sanitary and health laws must be obeyed at all times.

E. Anything which creates a threat to health and safety shall not be permitted on the Lot. No flammable, combustible, or explosive fluid, chemical or substances, except ones customarily used for normal household purposes, may be stored on the Lot, and then only in quantities reasonably necessary for normal household purposes.

F. If any portion of the exterior of Tenant’s manufactured home or its accessory equipment, structures, appliances, or the Lot is damaged, the damage must be repaired within twenty (20) days of written notice. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to the siding, awning supports, downspouts, skirting, porch, or storage shed.

G. Because major repair and painting can cause damage to the property of others if not properly conducted, Tenant is required to obtain Owner’s written consent before undertaking such action.

H. The utility pedestals (water and utility hook ups) must be accessible at all times. If one of the Park’s water shut off valves is located on Tenant’s Lot, it must be kept uncovered and accessible at all times. Tenant shall not connect except through existing electrical or natural gas outlets or water pipes on the Lot, any apparatus or device for the purpose of using electric current, natural gas, or water.

I. Existing drainage patterns and grading of the Lot may not be changed without Owner’s consent. Tenant must grade Tenant’s landscaping, or otherwise divert surface water away from Tenant’s manufactured home. The Park will not be responsible for any drainage problems encountered by Tenant, or for any subsequent re-leveling or adjustment required on the manufactured home, awning, or Tenant improvements as a result of soil expansion or contraction, tree roots, and/or any other reason.

J. Tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to any utilities or Park property damaged by Tenant. To avoid damage to underground facilities, Tenant must have Owner’s written consent before digging or driving rods or stakes into the ground.

K. Building permits, licenses, and other similar permission from governmental or quasi-governmental bodies or agencies are required, and must be obtained before construction or installation of certain accessory equipment and structures and appliances, and all such appliances, equipment and structures must comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances. Only licensed contractors may do painting in the Park, or install items which are required to be connected to the electrical, gas, or water supplies. Painting of Tenant’s manufactured home requires the prior written approval of Owner.

L. Only manufactured accessory equipment, structures and appliances are permitted, and no such “homemade” equipment, structures, or appliances may be installed.

M. Individual TV or radio (Ham or CB) antennas are not allowed. If the Park does not provide TV cable service, Tenant may order TV cable service from a local company if available.

N. No awnings, shades, screens, blinds, or other similar items which are made of bamboo, rattan, stainless steel, plexi-glass, or other material of similar appearance, shall be located outside Tenant’s manufactured home.


A. Landscaping of unlandscaped spaces or changes to existing landscaping shall be completed within 60 days of the date Tenant signs the Rental Agreement or first occupies the manufactured home, whichever is earlier. Prior to installing landscaping, Tenant must prepare and submit a written plan for the approval of Owner.

B. The Park’s general landscaping standards are:

1) Owner encourages everyone to be as original and elaborate as they wish as far as lawn, flowers, and shrubs are concerned;

2) Rock may be incorporated in Tenant’s landscaping plan, but prior written approval of the type of rock must be obtained;

3) It is required that all surface areas from the front of any patio to the street, including the surface area in front of the manufactured home, be covered 75% by growing (live) plantings;

4) Owner must approve in writing the type of trees planted and their location. No tree or shrub is allowed which has, or may develop, a root structure which causes cracking, buckling, or otherwise interferes with streets, driveways, or other Park facilities. Park-owned trees may not be trimmed or removed without written permission of Owner;

5) Such plants as ivy or other noxious or invasive species should not be used. Use on awning columns and shed is unwise because of damage to structures;

6) Sites should be mowed, trimmed, watered and weeded as required to maintain a neat and uncluttered condition;

7) If decorative edging or control headers are used, Tenant must check with Owner for approved type and location of lot line. The tops of control headers must be straight, and must be dug in so that the top of the header is level with the top of the landscaping when the job is finished. Header boards must be a minimum of one inch by four inches in size; and

8) Installation of fences or walls is prohibited without Owner’s prior written consent.

C. Tenant or Tenant’s landscaping contractor must establish drainage patterns on finished landscaping to drain away from home and toward the street.

D. No changes from the landscape as installed shall be made without the prior written consent of Owner, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld if the requested change is consistent with the aesthetic appearance of the Community.

E. Tenant shall maintain landscaping and lawn on Tenant’s Lot in good condition and Tenant shall remove all dead or diseased plants and bushes and replace them with healthy new plants and bushes. Tenant shall pull or destroy weeds and any other noxious plants which tend to spread by root or seed on Tenant’s Lot and shall not permit them to go to seed. Owner shall determine in its discretion what are weeds and noxious plants. The lawns on Tenant’s Lot shall be neatly and regularly mowed and trimmed by Tenant and Tenant shall not permit lawns on Tenant’s Lot to become overgrown and unsightly.

F. Owner reserves the right to have professional gardeners maintain the yard at Tenant’s expense should Tenant fail to comply with Tenant’s responsibilities after a notice to comply is served.

7. USE. Each Lot and appurtenant areas shall be used as provided in the Rental Agreement.

8. APPROVALS. Requests for approvals or consents required from Owner under these Rules shall be made in written form and with such information as Owner may reasonably require to be informed sufficiently to give or refuse the approval. Requests shall be made in the Community’s Park Office.

9. OCCUPANCY. Only Tenant and persons specifically named in the rental agreement shall reside permanently on Tenant’s lot. The persons named in the Rental Agreement may be changed subject to approval and with the written consent of Owner. A person who sleeps in a manufactured home for more than two six hour periods during any 36 hour period shall be deemed to occupy in the manufactured home.

A. All persons staying in a manufactured home for more than 3 days and who are not named in the Rental Agreement shall be registered by Tenant in the Community’s Business Office as a guest. Any person occupying a home more than 15 days in a 60-day period shall apply and be accepted as an occupant. Any person not making application and/or not being accepted shall be considered a trespasser.

B. If any manufactured home will be vacant for more than 30 days, the Community’s Business Office shall be notified in advance or as soon as possible by Tenant. The Owner shall not be responsible in any event for any loss or damage to a vacant manufactured home.

C. Only persons who are Tenants, occupants, or guests of Tenants or occupants shall have the right to enter the Community. Owner may prevent any other person’s entry into the Community, and may remove or have removed such other persons from the Community at Owner’s sole discretion.

D. Tenant shall be responsible to Owner, and shall reimburse Owner for, any loss or damage incurred by Owner because of the actions of any person who uses any part of the Community at the invitation or with consent of Tenant. Tenant shall be responsible for all actions of Tenant’s guests.

E. Tenant agrees to acquaint all guests with the conditions of tenancy of the Park, including, but not limited to, the Rules and Regulations. Tenant is personally responsible for all the actions and conduct of Tenant’s guests. Except when guests are entering or leaving the Park, Tenant shall accompany the guest at all times they are in the Park.

10. PETS. No animals shall be kept or permitted in any part of the Community, except for Tenant’s household pet(s) which do not exceed twenty (20) pounds in weight. Any household pet which unreasonably interferes with the peaceful use and enjoyment of any part of the Community, in the opinion of Owner exercising its absolute discretion, because of noise or other objectionable habits or conduct, shall be promptly removed from the Community by Tenant at the written request of Owner.

A. Each animal which is kept as a permitted pet in the Community shall be registered by name and description with Owner. No guest shall bring any animal into the Community.

B. When not in Tenant’s manufactured home, Tenant’s pet animal shall be kept on a leash, in a cage, or under other suitable physical restraint under the direct control of a person. No animal shall be permitted at any time in any commonly used areas of the Community, except streets.

C. Any person who keeps an animal in the Community shall be liable for any damage caused by the animal and shall immediately clean up any waste deposited by the animal in the Community.

D. Each pet must be licensed and inoculated in accordance with local law.

E. Any pet running loose in the Park will be impounded at the pet owner’s expense, and Tenant may be notified to vacate Tenant’s Lot or give up Tenant’s pet. Pets must be walked on a short leash. Should Tenant lose his or her pet, written permission must be obtained from Owner before Tenant may acquire another one.

F. Pets will not be allowed to cause any disturbance which might annoy neighbors. If a pet causes any disturbance, annoyance, or harm, such as barking, growling, biting, or any other unusual noises or damage which will annoy or cause harm to a neighbor, permission to keep the pet will be revoked.

G. No breeding, selling or dealing of animals of any kind shall be permitted in the Community at any time. Any animal which gives birth or hatches young shall be required to be removed from the Community until its young are separated from it.

H. No more than one dog or cat shall be permitted to be kept in any manufactured home at one time.

I. No feeding of birds or wild animals in general is allowed.

11. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES & OTHER VEHICLES. No more than two vehicles shall be regularly kept by Tenant at Tenant’s Lot. Inoperable vehicles or vehicles without current license plates shall not be allowed in the Park. No other vehicle, except motorcycles and bicycles shall be kept at a Lot by Tenant. Each Tenant shall register with Owner each vehicle which Tenant intends to keep at the Community. Tenant shall promptly notify Owner of any change in the vehicles which Tenant intends to keep.

A. Each guest or temporary tenant who intends to keep a vehicle in the Community for more than 3 days shall register such vehicle with Owner. No guest or temporary tenant shall keep more than one vehicle in the Community.

B. No vehicle of any kind shall be repaired in the Community without the prior written consent of Owner, and no consent shall be granted for repairs which require or involve work that cannot be or is not finished within four hours after it is started. No vehicle which is inoperative shall be kept in the Community. No vehicles shall be washed except in the driveway on Tenant’s Lot. The person in whose custody a vehicle rests shall clean up any petroleum spills or drippings from the vehicle.

C. No oil, fuel, antifreeze or other such fluid shall be disposed of in any sanitary sewer or storm drain or on the ground in the Community. No petroleum, propane, natural gas or other flammable products shall be stored in the Community without the prior written consent of Owner, which consent shall be refused if such products are not stored in appropriate containers or are in unreasonable quantities.

D. All posted traffic control signs (e.g., Stop signs, No Parking signs, Speed Limit signs, etc.) must be obeyed. The speed limit is 10 miles per hour in the Park. All applicable state rules of the road shall be obeyed.


A. Parking is permitted only in designated parking areas. Unless otherwise posted, no parking is permitted on the streets of the Park. Vehicles parked on Tenant’s Lot may only be parked on the driveway, and not on the landscaped or other areas of the Lot. Tenant may park two vehicles on Tenant’s Lot. Because of limited parking facilities, traffic congestion, noise, and the need to insure a safe and pleasant environment, Owner reserves the right to restrict the number of guests bringing automobiles or other vehicles into the Park.

B. Any campers, vans, motorhomes, or pickups used for transportation and parked temporarily at Tenant’s Lot may not exceed 18 feet in length. Anything in excess of 18 feet must be approved in writing by Owner before being parked on Tenant’s Lot. Trailers, boats, recreational vehicles not used for daily transportation, and those in excess of 18 feet must be parked only in the designated storage area, or outside of the Park, if space is not available. The following types of vehicles may not be parked on Tenant’s Lot: trucks larger than half-ton pickups, any unusually large or unattractive vehicle, boats and boat trailers, vacation and utility trailers, recreational vehicles, campers when removed from pickup truck bed, and, except for shells which do not exceed the height of the cab, and pickup trucks with campers. All such vehicles shall be parked in the storage area, if space is available, or outside the Park. No one may live and/or sleep in a recreational vehicle in the Park, or in any vehicle stored in the designated storage area.

C. Tenant must register all vehicles that are to be stored or operated in the Park. Any vehicle not registered is subject to towing at Tenant’s expense. Visitors must park in designated areas or on the Tenant’s individual parking space. Tenant may not park in spaces designated for guests without express approval of Owner. ALL PARKING VIOLATIONS WILL BE SUBJECT TO TOWING AT TENANT’S EXPENSE.

13. UTILITIES. Owner has caused electrical, telephone and cable television service to be brought to each Lot by the utility companies furnishing such services. Tenant shall make arrangements directly with such utility companies for connections to their service lines. Tenant shall make no connection without the consent of the appropriate utility company providing service, and each connection shall be in conformity with the rules and regulations of the utility company and all applicable laws and governmental regulations. Such utilities are provided through lines which are maintained by the utility companies. Tenant shall not damage or in any way tamper with such utility lines and shall pay the utility company all charges made for service to Tenant’s Lot. Owner provides a connection for domestic water and for sanitary sewer service at each Lot and although such service is included in the rent, use of the water and sanitary sewer service is subject to regulation by the Grays Harbor Water District #2 and park rules on septic use in 13.a. Tenant shall cause any connection made to water and sanitary sewer service at Tenant’s Lot to be in conformity with such regulations and shall pay the cost thereof. Tenant shall maintain water and sanitary sewer lines on the Lot from the point of connection in good order and repair at all times. Tenant shall not permit water to run or leak continuously from any water line on Tenant’s Lot. Tenant shall not damage or tamper with any water line or sanitary sewer line in the Community. No foreign objects which might plug or obstruct the sanitary sewer system shall be introduced into the system. Owner shall not be liable for any damages caused by interruption in any utility service. Utilities may be disconnected temporarily from time to time for repairs, alterations or additions to any utility system. Owner shall have the right to enter upon any Lot for utility inspection or repair. Owner/Agent is entitled to use Tenant’s security deposit to recover unpaid utility charges upon move-out. Owner/Agent is not liable for failure to provide service or any losses or damages as a result of utility outages, interruptions, fluctuations, Tenant’s lack of payment or otherwise.


Properly Dispose of Waste
A. Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. Certain types of toilet paper are also problematic. Angel Soft is the recommended brand by the local septic service company.

B. Never flush:

1. Cat litter
2. Chlorine tablets
3. Cigarette butts
4. Condoms
5. Coffee grounds
6. Cooking grease or oil
7. Dental floss
8. Diapers
9. Drugs
10. Feminine hygiene products
11. “Flushable” and/or baby wipes
12. Household chemicals like gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze, and paint or paint thinners
13. Paper towels
14. Pharmaceuticals
15. Photographic solutions
16. Lollipop sticks
17. Powdered laundry soap

C. Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your septic system. Whether you are at the kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink:

1. Avoid chemical drain openers for a clogged drain. Instead, use boiling water or a drain snake.
2. Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain.
3. Never pour oil-based paints, solvents, or large volumes of toxic cleaners down the drain. Even latex paint waste should be minimized.
4. Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal. This will significantly reduce the amount of fats, grease, and solids that enter your septic tank and ultimately clog its drain field.

Washing Machines
D. Use liquid detergents please. Powdered detergents are not septic friendly.

14. COMMON AREAS. The common areas of the Community consist of the street, sidewalks, park space and recreational area and are for use by each Tenant in the Community, and his or her guests and visitors, but shall be used only consistently with the purposes for which they are intended. Except for loss or damage caused by ordinary wear and tear and except to the extent that Owner receives insurance compensation for loss or damage, any Tenant using any common areas shall be responsible and pay for any damage caused to any of the common areas by such Tenant or any visitor or guest of Tenant using such facilities. Any visitor or guest of Tenant using any common area shall be presumed to be using said areas with Tenant’s consent.

A. No alcoholic beverages will be consumed in any area of the Park which is open to all Tenants and guests.

B. No equipment or other property belonging to Owner shall be borrowed, transferred, removed or relocated from the place where Owner has located it without the prior written consent of Owner.

C. All common areas shall be subject to regulation by Owner and the right to use any of the common areas may be denied to any person who, in Owner’s absolute discretion, is not properly using or is abusing such area.

D. No person shall loiter or play or be permitted to loiter or play in any common area in the Community, except in the common recreational areas. NO PERSON MAY PLAY IN THE STREETS AT ANY TIME.

Tenant agrees as follows:

A. General

1. To pay all rent and other charges, including utilities and installment payments of last month’s rent and security deposit, promptly when due or assessed, for which Tenant is responsible and to provide proof of payment.

2. To execute all revised rental agreements upon request upon 30 days’ notice before a new rental period; except for rent increases which require 3 months’ notice for tenant owned.

3. To notify and deliver to Owner any legal notice received from any person or governmental agency which relates to the Premises. Fines assessed to Owner by any governmental agency resulting from a Tenant’s non-compliance with any law, requirements or regulation, negligent behavior, including but not limited to, a failure to observe burn bans, Tenant’s maintenance of a nuisance shall be the responsibility of the Tenant to pay.

4. Provide the Owner with emergency contact information within (10) days of commencement of tenancy and to provide updated or new information whenever such information is available.

5. Not to do or keep anything in or about the Premises that will increase the present insurance rate thereon. Tenant agrees to reimburse Owner for any increase that might occur for violation of this rule.

6. Tenant shall maintain liability insurance and licenses upon all motor vehicles brought onto the Property and shall provide Owner proof upon request.

7. Not to permit any person to occupy the Premises other than authorized occupants or guests as defined in Section 11 of Rental Agreement Section 9 of this document.

B. Conduct, Behavior and Safety

1. Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances pertaining to the Lot and the Home located thereon, and appurtenances;

2. Tenant shall not keep or maintain an attractive nuisance on the Property. Tenants agree to not use, install, allow or support any attractive features including but not limited to trampolines, skate ramps, pools, on the property or surrounding property areas due to potential injury. Any features or such other items in Tenant’s possession shall be stored in a safe condition in such a way that they cannot be used.

3. Not intentionally or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any facilities, equipment, furniture, furnishings, fixtures, or appliances provided by Landlord, or permit any member of Tenant’s family, invitee, or licensee, or any person under his/her control to do so;

4. Tenant is responsible for their own proper conduct and that of all guests, including the responsibility for understanding and observing all policies and rules. Tenant shall be personally liable for the acts of any guests who Tenant invites onto the Premises or Property.

5. To comply with any trespass admonishments issued by Owner. To ensure the safety of all tenants and their authorized guests, Owner expressly reserves the right to exclude persons who are not authorized tenants or occupants from the Premises. A Tenant (or guest of a Tenant) who knowingly invites or allows a previously admonished person onto the Premises without the written authorization of the Owner or Owner’s agent shall be deemed to have materially violated the terms of this Agreement. In addition to any other lawful basis, Owner may issue a trespass admonishment to exclude from the Premises or Property any person, whether a Tenant, occupant, invitee or other third party, who refuses to promptly show photo identification upon request by Owner or an authorized representative of Owner, or who refuses to identify him or herself as a tenant, occupant, or guest of a specific tenant. Tenant shall be personally liable for the acts of any guests who Tenant invites onto the Premises or Property.

6. Tenant shall not make or allow any disturbing noises which will interfere with the rights, comforts or convenience of others. TV, stereo, radio and musical instrument volumes are to be played at a volume which will not disturb others.

7. Comply with all Community Rules and Regulations.

8. No activity shall be engaged in or permitted in the Community which shall unreasonably disturb or interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of any part of the Community by others entitled to its use.

9. Radios, televisions, record players, musical instruments and other devices shall not be permitted to be operated outside any home as to disturb others. This includes loud music from cars entering and exiting the Park.

10. No loud or boisterous parties will be permitted.

11. No intoxicated, abusive, loud or rude person shall be allowed to remain in the Community, nor shall any person curse or use other vulgar language in the presence of others or engage in any offensive conduct.

12. No activity shall be conducted or permitted in the Community which shall be in violation of any governmental statue, ordinance, regulation or rule.

13. Owner shall have the right to cause any person who creates a nuisance or a disturbance to be removed from the Community. Owner’s determination made in good faith that a person is causing a nuisance or creating a disturbance shall be conclusive.

C. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations

1. Immediately notify Owner/Agent of any damage to the Lot or to the Community caused by acts of neglect of Tenant or Tenant’s guests. Unless otherwise agreed, Owner/Agent shall repair the damage and charge Tenant for the repair which Tenant agrees to pay to Owner/Agent by the next monthly rental payment due date, or on terms mutually agreed in writing by Owner/Agent and Tenant;


A. Except as specifically permitted by the Park’s residency documents, no commercial activity or “For Sale” signs or other signs advertising anything for sale or advertising any other commercial activity, are permitted. Any sign advertising the sale or exchange of Tenant’s manufactured home shall be commercially reasonable, and shall not exceed 18 by 24 inches; no more than two (2) such signs shall be displayed, and shall be displayed only in the window of Tenant’s manufactured home.

B. Except for the sale of Tenant’s manufactured home, no “auction,” “moving sale,” or “garage sale” signs will be permitted if it involves advertising or other announcements inviting members of the general public to come into the Park. Tenant may, however, advertise items for sale to other tenants of the Park.

C. Throw away newspapers, distribution of handbills, and door to door selling or solicitation are not permitted.

17. LIVE-IN CARE PROVIDER. Prior to allowing a live-in care provider to move into Tenant’s manufactured home, Tenant must provide Owner with the following: (A) Written proof that the care provider is over eighteen (18) years of age; (B) A copy of Tenant’s approved plan of treatment; and (C) A copy of Tenant’s physician’s written order for the plan of treatment. The live-in care provider must execute a Live-In Care Provider Agreement and must comply with (1) all Park rules and regulations; (2) the terms of Tenant’s rental agreement; and (3) the Manufactured Home Landlord-Tenant Act. The live-in care provider is not a tenant of the Park and has no rights of tenancy. The rental agreement is not affected by any agreement between Tenant and his/her live-in care provider.

18. GENERAL PROVISIONS. In the event that Tenant shall continue to fail to comply with these Rules and Regulations or to maintain any part of Manufactured Home Community as required by these Rules and Regulations after written notice has been given to Tenant, then Owner shall have the right to enter on Tenant’s Lot by agents or contractors, if need be, and cause the condition to be corrected. All costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith shall be reimbursed by Tenant to Owner on demand. This right to correct the condition shall be in addition to any other right and remedy which Owner may have.

A. Owner’s agents may enter onto any Lot to inspect the premises upon reasonable notice to determine compliance with these Rules and Regulations.

B. Each person using the Community shall comply with all signs erected by Owner and regulations posted by Owner, governing the use of the Community and the various parts thereof.

C. The manager or assistant manager in the Community’s office shall have the right to exercise all discretion and decisions granted to Owner hereunder and is authorized to give Owner’s consent under these Rules.

D. Except in the case of emergency, all business shall be conducted at the Community’s office during normal business hours as posted at the office.

E. Except for emergencies, all complaints must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.

19. AMENDMENTS. Owner shall have the right to amend all or any part of these Rules at any time by altering, changing, deleting, or adding to the provisions hereof and be adopting additional rules, all as Owner deems advisable. As provided by RCW 59.20.045, such amendments shall be made in writing and notice thereof shall be served. A current copy of the Rules as amended shall be posted on the park website and maintained in the Community’s office during all regular business hours and be available for inspection by any person with a legitimate interest. Signs and posted common area use regulations may be changed and shall be effective when changed or posted without the need for prior notice.

20. TENANT’S WARRANTIES. If, on the date of this Agreement, there is not presently a manufactured home located on the Lot, or if Tenant is to remove the manufactured home presently on said Lot and replace it with another manufactured home, Tenant acknowledges and agrees that certain representations have been made by the Tenant to Owner as to make, model, type, size, age and condition of the manufactured home which will occupy the Lot and the accessory equipment and structures which will be a part of or installed with the manufactured home. Tenant warrants to Owner that all representations are true and accurate, and that the manufactured home and all accessory equipment and structures shall conform to all of Owner’s requirements and specifications. Tenant agrees that Owner may inspect the manufactured home and all accessory equipment and structures prior to their being placed on the Lot, and if Owner determines that said representations are not true and accurate, then Owner may refuse to accept the manufactured home or the accessory equipment and structures for installation. The Manufactured home and the accessory equipment and structures shall not be allowed within the Park until they are inspected and accepted. Tenant agrees not to substitute another manufactured home or any other accessory equipment and structures for the ones approved by Owner unless they meet all of Owner’s requirements and specifications and Owner is permitted to inspect the manufactured home and the accessory equipment and structures as permitted by this paragraph.

21. ENFORCEMENT/WAIVER OF PARK RULES. Failure to comply with these Rules and Regulations after receipt of notice from Owner pursuant to RCW 59.20.080 may subject Tenant to eviction proceedings or other remedy at law. Any failure of Landlord to enforce a Tenant’s, occupant’s, or guest’s violation of these Rules and Regulations shall not be a waiver to Landlord’s enforcement of future violations of the Rules and Regulations by Tenant, occupant, or guest.